I went to bed a bit down last night. But today is a brand new day! And best yet–it’s my amazing friend’s (Shannon!) Birthday! So, really, who can be blue on such a great day!?
At 8:00 this morning, I took a picture of what all the kids were up to:
Levi was happily pushing his car. Maddie was playing in the tunnel. And Chloe & Josiah were writing their own books. Ah, it’s the joy of a day off of school!
21 Day Fix Update: I’m plugging away on Day 12. It’s all a matter of mind over matter, right? So, I’ve decided to make this work. I changed up my lunch a little and it was AMAZING. Plus I really worked out hard, so I feel good about that. We’re providing veggies again for our football shindig we have with our friends this Sunday, so I’m already setting myself up for success there too. Tonight I get to have that slice of bread with almond butter that I missed out on yesterday, so I’m excited about that too. 🙂
Busy and creative kids. That’s the way it should be! Good job, Tim and Erica!