The big news around here is that we’re probably going to get snow tomorrow!  I accidentally forgot to check if the kids had snow boots in the correct sizes until yesterday so I quick ordered some on Amazon, but even with the amazing 2 day shipping they aren’t expected to arrive until tomorrow afternoon…. oops. So, I’m hoping we just get rain tomorrow.  Ha!

21 Day Fix Update:  Day 18.  Ugh.  Not gonna lie.  I think it’s starting to get harder at the end.  I’m so close to just being done that I’m finding I just want to quit now.  I’ve stopped loosing weight for a couple days now and that’s discouraging.  I know that the scale shouldn’t be the end all, but since it’s so much work trying to eat the right foods and amounts is exhausting it’s nice to have a reward.  I know I am getting stronger but I would love to also get lighter too!  🙂   I literally shoveled my cottage cheese and blueberries in my mouth for my snack.  I was not digging it.  Why are these last days so hard? You would think I would be motivated to finish strong……….