I feel like I should write an obligatory “hello 2018” post to welcome in the new year. But I’m so behind on posting that I also feel like I need to catch everyone up (on the mundane happenings here in our world), so I also feel like I need a “catch-up” post. And then since everyone is posting their goals and aspirations for the new year I feel like I really should reflect on the year past and write a “goals/reflections” post too!
So, I say…. meh. Here are some pictures instead. Ha!
This was our annual Christmas baking stash this year. The penguins were my favorite. One of the gals was sick this year so I made her stuff along with some of my own… so the 3 of us left made 14 things. Not bad!
You gals are so good at making everything LOOK beautiful as well as taste good. I’ve tried, but my stuff never turns out looking like that! Kuddos. And yum!