This weekend Jennifer introduced me and the kids to the game Sequence. Apparently we have owned this game for years and never played it. I admit that I had looked at the box many times and said, “Yuck. What a boring looking box. That game is probably dumb.”
Yes, I judged that box by it’s cover. And, like so many things in life that we judge–I was wrong.
We love it.
It’s right up there with Mancala for me (which I also love). Chloe caught on pretty quickly, but she has a hard time looking far enough ahead to see other potential sequences in case she’s blocked. Josiah mostly just played along with me and “helped” me but I think he would be able to hold his own if we were to play again (not win, but at least play along).
It’s fun to be getting to the age where we can play more thrilling games than Candyland or Chutes and Ladders fun games together!
That’s a fun milestone!