Things were grooving along nicely with contest stuff until Sunday.  I had been saying how much easier thing were getting… and then….

  • We had a big computer glitch that scheduled a whole ton of Sunday student the opposite of their time request, which meant….
  • The office had to complete redo the schedules for Sunday (a very big undertaking), which meant…
  • I couldn’t get the materials last weekend to start putting everything together into the designated, but that actually turned out ok, becuase…
  • I had NO volunteers to help me on Sunday.  None.  Well, unless you count Chloe, Josiah and Jennifer (who were very helpful, by the way!).  But because no one showed up…
  • I had to work on doing contest stuff basically non-stop from Sunday – Thursday in all my non-teaching hours.
  • Oh, and the kids had a snow day on Monday and a late start on Tuesday.

But I don’t mean to complain.  Things could be much worse.  And I have learned a few valuable lessons this week:

  •  Chloe (and Josiah to some degree) can be good helpers with contest stuff now!
  • We actually get a lot more done on volunteer Sundays than I thought
  • I really do need to get the sheets of information before Wednesday the week of Contest.  There is a lot I need to do with those sheets, and 2 days is just not enough time.
  • Time on contest week seems to pass quicker than normal time.
  • Our family likes potato & ham soup.  I made it in the crockpot this week and it was a hit.
  • I have stress eaten a lot this week.  I’ll have to get back on track soon otherwise I won’t have anything to wear soon!  Eeeeks!