Just when we thought Spring might be around the corner… it was not.
I mean, how dare we assume Spring would come in April? Mid April, even! No, Winter has decided to hang on for an encore.
And what an encore it is.
It snowed non stop from Friday night until Sunday night. We had rain on Friday afternoon first that turned to ice as the snow started that evening. It was legit blizzard conditions for most of Saturday afternoon and we got between 15-20 inches of snow. We even broke some records!
The kids and I went out to see a musical (at a nearby church) on Saturday afternoon because I had a bunch of students in it. We left before it really started to “blizzard” but by the time it was over it was white out conditions. We only had a a couple of miles to go from the church to our house and there were moments where I couldn’t see anything. I couldn’t see houses right next to me, or stop lights, let alone where the road was. I even made the kids stop talking so I could focus. Needless to say, I was happy to make it home and then hunker down for the evening.
This is my ideal Christmas morning weather. Lovely fluffy snow–and so much of it! It really was quite picturesque as it was snowing. Well, once I got home and safely inside… then it was lovely watching from the comfort and safety of my living room. So we enjoyed the rest of the weekend by living it up: we drank hot cocoa, watched movies and played games.
But, now we wait. We anxiously and impatiently wait for the arrival of Spring.
Tim hasn’t been able to start work yet. He did have one random job in March in that tiny bit of time when we didn’t have snow and we thought Spring was right around the corner, but he hasn’t been able to officially start. They haven’t even sent out their first batch of fliers, because, let’s face it, no one is going to think about landscaping when everything is covered in a foot and a half of snow.
But on the plus side, I haven’t had to mow yet!
I do miss that cozy feeling when the blizzard is raging outside and the family is all nestled safely inside and no one has anywhere they need to go. Bring on the cocoa and movies!