Levi turned 2 last week (on the 13th).  He really wasn’t aware that it was his Birthday, so we didn’t do much.  Although we did let him open a couple of gifts and we sang to him.  Actually, the singing part was super cute, because he sang along with us the whole time and then after we stopped singing he kept holding the last note for a really long time.  He thought it was super funny.  (And so did we!)

He had his well child checkup as well and is perfectly healthy and normal.  I’ve pulled up the stats of all the other kids at 2 and for your comparison enjoyment, here they are:

Chloe Josiah Madison Levi
Weight 31 lb 34 lb 29 lb 36 lb
Height 3’ 1.25” 3’ .25” 3’ .50” 3’ 1.75”

We were walking through Target the other day and he saw this Mario stuffed toy and thought it was so fun.  He kept saying “Mario!” so I let him hold it for a little bit.  I love how he’s hugging it.  I also love how it’s almost as big as him.