Writing about all the big & little things

A rough couple weeks for Levi

On top of having nap issues (A.K.A. screaming tantrums) Levi got sick in the past month.  First he had to go in because his breathing was abnormal–super fast for no reason–and they said he might have a very early case of Bronchilitis.  So he got started on a nebulizer treatment and bounced back very quickly. Surprisingly he didn’t mind the nebulizer.  We think he likes the humming of the machine.

Then Josiah got sick… he got croup.  I wrote about it a few days ago.  I thought that Josiah had simply caught whatever bug Levi had.  Unfortunately I was wrong.  And, of course, then Josiah gave Levi his croup.  We tried to power through a few nights, but by the 3rd night of not sleeping I couldn’t take it and we made a late night trip to the E.R.

He was given a special nebulizer treatment and some steroids to help open his airway, and then they had to monitor him for 2 hours.  It was a long 2 hours, because it was very late, and he wouldn’t go to sleep.  Oh, and he really, REALLY, hated the heart monitor they taped to his big toe.  So, when he would notice it again he would get really mad at me that I wouldn’t let him take it off.  Most of the time we just sat on the bed in the E.R. trying to watch t.v. or snuggle.

Fast forward to today.  He’s basically all better now, just a residual cough.  Nothing much.  I am very aware that Maddie is highly likely to catch whatever the boys had, so I’ve been religiously giving her (food-grade) Catnip tea mixed half and half with Cranberry juice.  I have a friend that swears by it–and I have to say it seems to keep the croup virus from settling in their voice box.  Instead the virus acts more like a regular cold.  And a regular cold I can totally handle.  It’s the whole “not being able to breathe” part of Croup that freaks me out.  I feel a little silly that I didn’t start the boys on it sooner–perhaps I could have avoided the whole drama of these past couple weeks in the E.R.  Oh well.  I guess we’ll never know.  😉


1 Comment

  1. Nana

    Poor boy. (And poor Mommy and Daddy, too.)

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