Writing about all the big & little things


 I’m in the process of uploading a video of Chloe laughing.  Kylene mentioned the “uplifting effect” of hearing a child’s laugh and I would have to agree.  I think we could all use a little uplifting in our lives right now.  🙂

Here it is!

Today was a better day.  I’m a bit blue, but I kept myself busy getting things done and cleaned up around the house.  We’re planning to go to Chub’s funeral service here in town on Thursday morning–Tim is even going to go with me.  It’s uplifting to see the number of people who have been flocking to the neighbor’s house.  It’s quite touching to me to see people rise up to help someone in need.  I was going to volunteer to mow the lawn but I noticed someone thought of it for her and worked on it this afternoon.  I still haven’t heard anything more about how he passed, but Tim seems to think he might have gone during the night since we saw cars there early the next day.  But it seems odd that we wouldn’t have heard an ambulance.  There was a short amount of time on Saturday evening when we were both out of the house, though, so maybe something happened then.  We’re not sure.


In other news…


I ended up teaching only a few lessons tonight.  I originally had a full day planned out and then my first 2 forgot to come and my last 3 called to cancel/switch.  It made for a pretty relaxing evening.  Chloe even got to sit on my lap for a little bit of one lesson.  She just loves to come in and watch the students play, although I don’t allow her to come in very often (she’s a bit distracting when she tries to talk to them while they’re playing…)

Things are starting to pile up to get done for my recital on Sunday.  My biggest project to finish for tomorrow is getting my programs done.  Once that’s done I’ll feel a bit better.


Slim-in-6 Update:  Week two done!

~~Day off exercising?  Yes, 1 day off (Wednesday).

~~ Bad day? Yes, 2 days (Wednesday:  I didn’t exercise and it was Tim’s birthday so we had cake… Then Sunday I ate too much at his Grandpa’s Birthday party.  And then I pretty much ate myself into oblivion after I found out about Chub.  I know it’s not healthy or wise, but I didn’t care at the time.)

~~ Biggest Achievement of the week:  my biggest achievement was getting up early and exercising before we left for Grandpa’s party yesterday.  It took a lot of willpower but I did it!  And in hindsight, I’m really glad I did seeing now what I ended up eating… 🙁

~~ Favorite new food/snack:  Diet green tea with citrus.

~~ Thoughts? Today isn’t the greatest day to be posting my thoughts since today wasn’t the best.  At this point I’m glad this is a 6 week program since I’m probably going to have lost a little ground over the past day or two.  But tomorrow is another day.  Things will look up and I’ll get back on track.

1 Comment

  1. Kylene

    Awesome video! Justin and I got a lot of smiles from it!

    Thank you!! 🙂

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