For some reason when I try and log into write on Thursday nights my site won’t let me log in.  It’s frustrating.  And weird.

I guess the moral of the story is that I shouldn’t wait until the end of the day to post… but I have early lessons on Thursday so the day really gets away from me.

Anyway, we’ve had a busy week of just life stuff.  We had the pumpkin parties last weekend, then Halloween on Wednesday which meant I had a lot of displaced lessons at different times throughout the week.  Then our pastor asked us to say something short for church so I’ve been stressing about what to say for days… I’m not meant to be a public speaker.  It stresses me out way too much.

Jen came over on Wednesday and took the kids trick or treating.  I did technically go along too, but she really does most of the work.  I really hate walking through people yards, so I just walk along the road pushing the stroller (that we’ll need eventually, but not at the beginning) and she runs through the yards with the kids.  Everyone has a good time.

She got some super cute pictures from that night…