The other night Tim and I were laughing at how different our life would be without Levi. He was our “bonus baby”, as I like to call him. We thought we were a complete family after having Madison, but God knew we needed ONE more. And, like the saying goes, we can’t imagine life without him now.
I’m so thankful for the dynamic that having 4 kids gives. Chloe has embraced being the big sister so well and she is learning the art of playing with kids of all ages. And I just love how much Levi likes playing with her too. It’s fun to watch Levi transform out of the toddler and into a little kid.
Now that Tim has transitioned to his off-season the everyday routine has gotten a little easier. Levi is definitely screaming less now that there are two parents around to nip that behavior. Everyone seems a little happier and settled now. It’s all good.