Despite the frigid temps this morning, and school being cancelled, Tim braved the cold to take the big kids to the dentist.  Life must go on, right?

So, they were up and out the door early.  Our dentist retired, but a new dental company has actually taken over the space, so they got to go to the very same building.  The people were different, but we go so seldom that I’m not sure we would remember the other people much anyway.  They had a very pleasant visit and came home with smiles on their faces.  I’m very aware of trying to not pass along my fear and dislike of the dentist to them… Chloe does have a couple small cavities starting in her baby teeth, and Josiah was cavity free.

Currently I’m watching the wind pick up and snow billow outside.  Brrrrr… It feels like -34 right now in case you were wondering.  😉

Want a random picture before I go?  Ok!

Josiah has discovered he loves “ants on a log!”