Here are 3 random details about everyone living in the Friesen household right now:
- Had a smashing success with his amazingly designed food stadium.
- Currently helping Jen work on replacing some carpet/trim at her house
- Fixed a toilet this past week and had Josiah help him. It was adorable–and Josiah was over the moon excited to help.
- Helped volunteer at the Piano Contest Preliminaries this past weekend (one of my students passed! I only had 3 participate this year…)
- Helped volunteer in the kids area in BSF today. I am reminded how thankful I am for those teachers after I help. 😉
- I’m trying to play a new piano song every day (even just a very short one). It’s been fun to try new songs for my students.
- Had her “Well-Rounded Reader” Lunch yesterday in honor of finishing enough Maude Heart Lovelace books. There were about 12 kids from her class that were able to participate.
- Suuuuuuper into origami lately.
- We’re done putting the purple clenditioner in her hair, and amazingly after 4 washes it’s STILL purple! I was sure it would just wash right out.
- Suuuuuuuper into Mario still.
- Has advanced to the next set of piano books. He’s excited to be gaining on Chloe….
- Was distraught the other day when he came home with his very FIRST wrong answer on a worksheet at school. It was the first answer he got wrong… the whole year. Ha!
- Is becoming so articulate lately. She’ll turn and say stuff to you that blows your mind.
- Her favorite thing to say these days is, “When I grow up, ___________ (fill in the blank)” Apparently she is going to do a LOT when she grows up. Like: wear a belt, be tall and exercise.
- Lately she likes to “Roar” at everyone she meets.
- Is fighting off a little cold right now, so he’s been a little more clingy (to Tim).
- He and Madison weigh the same weight. I just find this amusing.
- Likes sleeping with a train or dragon toy right now. In addition to his Raccoon, of course.
So sweet. Thanks for the updates on everyone!