Writing about all the big & little things

What’s up?

Here are 3 random details about everyone living in the Friesen household right now:


  1. Had a smashing success with his amazingly designed food stadium.
  2. Currently helping Jen work on replacing some carpet/trim at her house
  3. Fixed a toilet this past week and had Josiah help him.  It was adorable–and Josiah was over the moon excited to help.


  1. Helped volunteer at the Piano Contest Preliminaries this past weekend (one of my students passed! I only had 3 participate this year…)
  2.  Helped volunteer in the kids area in BSF today.  I am reminded how thankful I am for those teachers after I help.  😉
  3. I’m trying to play a new piano song every day (even just a very short one).  It’s been fun to try new songs for my students.


  1. Had her “Well-Rounded Reader” Lunch yesterday in honor of finishing enough Maude Heart Lovelace books.  There were about 12 kids from her class that were able to participate.
  2. Suuuuuuper into origami lately.
  3. We’re done putting the purple clenditioner in her hair, and amazingly after 4 washes it’s STILL purple!  I was sure it would just wash right out.


  1. Suuuuuuuper into Mario still.
  2. Has advanced to the next set of piano books.  He’s excited to be gaining on Chloe….
  3. Was distraught the other day when he came home with his very FIRST wrong answer on a worksheet at school.  It was the first answer he got wrong… the whole year.  Ha!


  1. Is becoming so articulate lately.  She’ll turn and say stuff to you that blows your mind.
  2.  Her favorite thing to say these days is, “When I grow up, ___________ (fill in the blank)” Apparently she is going to do a LOT when she grows up.  Like: wear a belt, be tall and exercise.
  3. Lately she likes to “Roar” at everyone she meets.


  1. Is fighting off a little cold right now, so he’s been a little more clingy (to Tim).
  2. He and Madison weigh the same weight.  I just find this amusing.
  3. Likes sleeping with a train or dragon toy right now.  In addition to his Raccoon, of course.

1 Comment

  1. Christine L Fritz

    So sweet. Thanks for the updates on everyone!

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