I love these custard dishes. They brink back memories of having a small bowl of ice cream before bedtime as a child. They are also an invaluable kitchen aid since they are such a great size for so many things. We got two sets for our wedding, which would explain the clear vs. blue. When we moved here to Shakopee, I was fastidious about cleaning as we moved. In my “over-zealous cleaning mode” I accidentally threw out all of the lids for these bowls. Ever since I realized my terrible mistake I’ve been on the lookout for replacement lids.
The other day I searched for quite sometime online and even looked at forum sites to find out where other people and found them. No one seemed to be having any luck, so I contacted the company asking if there was a place I could purchase some.
It turns out you can’t buy replacement lids. But the company was gracious enough to send me a set of complimentary lids to help me out. I was skeptical that I would actually receive anything in the mail, but a few days ago they were waiting on my doorstep!
Anchor Hocking you have my buisness now. 🙂
(and I’m going to be careful to not throw these out this time!!!)
Slim-in-6 Update: Week four done!
~~Day off exercising? Yes *gulp* 3 days off (Thursday, Saturday & Sunday. I have excuses for all of the days, but they’re not good excuses so I won’t try and justify it. I hit a slump this week.)
~~ Bad day? Yes. Many. I’m too ashamed to admit how poorly I did this week. But like I said, I’ve hit a slump. When I don’t exercise then I don’t get the momentum to eat right for that day.
~~ Biggest Achievement of the week: Um… well at least I didn’t eat everything in the house. I guess that’s something… 😉
~~ Favorite new food/snack: and my favorite snacks for the week are not good ones. In particular I’ve found Pearson’s individually wrapped mints are a huge weakness for me. And Tim came home with a Sam’s club size container. Yeah.
~~ Thoughts? I can definitely see progress that I’ve made over the past four weeks and I don’t want to get down on myself too hard for this awful week. But at the same time, I’m disappointed at myself for not being able to stick strong to a plan for 6 weeks. It just doesn’t seem like very long. But then each day comes and goes and my will power comes and goes with it. But I still have 2 weeks left and I want to finish strong. So goodbye bad days and hello skinny jeans!
I know how it can feel to keep making the wrong choices when it comes to food. You can do this though! 14 days is a good stretch of time and you can make great headway in that time. Don’t give up! 🙂
It has helped me to plan my meals and snacks ahead of time and do the math to make sure that I’m in a good calorie range for losing weight. I don’t know if that would work for you, but it has for me. The Daily Plate is a free tracking site that has calorie amounts for most food listed if you are looking for a resource.