Writing about all the big & little things

Josiah the Photographer

I let Josiah carry my camera around the other day.  He was extremely excited to be able to take pictures of whatever he wanted.  So, I gave him the lecture on proper use of a camera and how to hold it–and off he went.

He took 452 pictures.

Yes, you read that right.  FOUR HUNDRED and fifty-two pictures.

I admit I’ve been dragging my feet to go through them.  That’s a lot of pictures… He found the setting that takes rapid sequence shots, so there are a bunch of “flip books” of pictures, so that adds up pictures really fast.

It was fascinating to see what he wanted to capture.  Here are a few of the gems that I found:



  1. Christine L Fritz

    Wow- some are quite nice, like the one of you! I particularly like the steering wheel on the playground thing and the other playground picture at the end. I love taking pictures like that because of the symmetry and the patterns.

  2. Erica

    I agree! 😀

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