Writing about all the big & little things

Instant Pot = Ham & Brussels Sprouts

Side note:  I just learned that it is in fact Brussels sprouts with an “s” a the end of brussel.  Huh.  I always thought it was brussel sprouts.  But thanks to red lines under my misspelled words, I am now wiser!  So, if you didn’t know that–now you do too!

I made a ham yesterday in my Instant pot in preparation for Sunday, which is EASTER!  Yippie!  It turned out quite well, so I am excited to make it again on Sunday.  And it was so fast compared to heating it for hours in the oven.  It had a nice flavor with crushed pineapple and honey and brown sugar smothered all over it, so really, what’s not to like?!

Family breakdown:  Josiah loved it.  The rest of the kids were just ok with it.  Tim and I both liked it a lot.

Then today I made Brussels sprouts.  It ended up being Brussels sprouts in sauteed onions with a little seasoning–and I’m still on the fence about it.  I am pretty sure I like it.  I just have to come to terms with little tiny cabbages.  It was a tad too peppery, so my mouth felt a bit spicy after I ate a few.  Maddie and Levi sampled it and came back for a 2nd and 3rd bite, so I can say that they approve.  I did like the convenience of the speed of cooking it in the instant pot.  It was a few minutes to saute the onions and then I put the lid on and pressure cooked it for 5 min. (which really isn’t 5 min. because it has to come up to pressure first which can take 5-10 min, but it is still unsupervised cooking time, which I can appreciate).

One of my friends suggested I saute the sprouts with bacon, so I’m going to try that tomorrow.  🙂  I can imagine that the bacon will give it a nice flavor boost.

1 Comment

  1. Christine L Fritz

    And did you know that if you don’t capitalize the B in Brussels, it will also come up as misspelled?

    I love Brussels sprouts, but I’m happy with them just roasted, if I want them “special.” Normally I just heat up frozen ones and am happy with that.

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