Josiah had VBS last week at Grace Church. He was invited by a friend (Asher!) and his Mom offered to bring him for me on Monday and Tuesday while I was teaching, which was amazing. It was from 9:00 – 12:00 each day and then they had a fun program on Friday evening. It was a culmination of all the skits that they had seen throughout the week all put together in one program with an additional ending scene–so even though they had seen it, they weren’t quite sure how it would end. I was super impressed with the music and performances. It was really well done.
Their theme was county, and titled “Cross Road” so all the music had lyrics with that in it. We did buy the CD so the kids have been humming it all week. I love it.
We took this picture on our way to watch the ending program. It was just me and the Big Kids, which is a good thing since it was a bit longer than I expected… we didn’t get home until 10:00! Chloe was concerned that we were out that late and asked me, “Are you sure you can even drive this late at night?” Hahah! I assured her we would be fine.
After the show they provided cookies and an sheet with all the actors/actresses pictures on it and you could walk around and get their autographs. It was a fun event. Chloe and Josiah did collect quite a few autographs. Fun summer memories!
I love that it was during the morning like ours were. So many churches have gone to evening VBS, which just doesn’t seem right. But I guess that is the only time they can get enough workers. I’ll bet the kids had a blast. You guys always did!