Today we spent the day with our friends–who host every year.  Chanhassen (the city next to us, where they live) has a parade on the 4th, and they live close enough to walk down to the parade route and then afterwards they invite everyone over for a BBQ in their backyard.   It’s always fun to hang out and eat.  We’re finally getting to the point where we can actually sit and enjoy socializing–now that Levi is almost 3 and able to play pretty well unattended with the other kids.  It’s glorious.

I’m not sure if we’ll be able to get out to see any fireworks tonight.  Levi is definitely getting more manageable, but I’m not going to push my luck.  Dusk is pretty late… Although we can see a bunch of fireworks (albeit pretty far away) from our backyard, so we’ll probably just do that again.  🙂