Our friends are visiting Chicago this week and asked us if we would watch their beagle for them.  She’s a sweet, older, dog (either 11 or 13 years old, I forget which) and we were happy to help them out.

The kids are OVER. THE. MOON. EXCITED.

She is a beagle, mind you, so my house is now quite a bit cleaner since she has routed out every tiny morsel of food that had been left of pushed under things.  Ha!  And she also howls (or do I call it bae? Did I spell that right?)  once in a while, which the kids were not so keen on.

We took her for a walk this morning and you would have thought we were going to Disneyworld.  They were so excited to take turns holding the leash.

The kids have made it very well know that they want a dog, and while I’m not against the idea, having her here had made it clear that we are not quite ready yet.  Levi is so independent and mobile and yet not very self-aware.  He tends to leave gates and doors wide open.  He also drops his food all the time.  And I forgot about having to pick up poop in the yard again… And the front door poses as a problem with students coming and going and the possibility of accidentally letting the dog out.

BUT.  In our future I do think we’ll get another dog.  Just not quite yet.