Hey, let’s do a bullet point post! It’s been a while since I’ve done a random post like this…
- Today is Kylene’s Birthday! Yippie!
- What a great day to have a Birthday, right? 02/20/20! Look at all those 2’s and 0’s!
- This week has felt weird because the kids had off last Friday and again on Monday… a 4 day weekend in the middle of February!
- I’ve been trying to be better at drinking more water this week and I’m pleased to say I’ve been able to drink 14 glasses a day. Boo yah!
- This weekend is crazy busy with random activities. I’ve got to make sure I’ve written everything down so I don’t forget anything…
- …And that’s the great thing about my new amazing watch–it will alert me! (well, as long as I have it in my calendar)
- My back was a little worse today. Not terrible, but a little tighter.
- On a positive note, my heel is feeling better!
- For the month of February, I’ve been teaching my students about 2 new composers each week. Just a brief overview and an interesting fact. It’s been fun telling them random facts. Plus I’ve learned a lot too!
- I finished another book from the MHL list: Towers Falling. It was a quick read, but good.
- I have to go to the U of M on Saturday morning to test pianos. I always get stressed out when I have to drive downtown. Ugh. At least it will be a Saturday with less traffic.
- Tim gave away a bunch of his train stuff this week. He’s decided he’s done with that hobby. It’s a little sad. But really there’s no space for it right now.
- On a fun note: the train stuff actually went to one of the families that I teach–the oldest son, who used to take lessons from me, but has since stopped now that he’s in high school. Isn’t that fun?
- The Littles are going absolutely STIR CRAZY since they haven’t been able to get outside to run and play lately. We are all eagerly anticipating spring. Or just weather warmer than below zero. 😉
Take it easy on your back. Easy exercise is helpful, but when you feel pain during exercise, this is not the time to just push through it. Backs are touchy!