I know, you’re probably super disappointed that I’m not writing about those amazing cookie dough stuffed muffins. I’m actually planning to make them tomorrow because I have a ladies even that I can unload them at, so we don’t eat an entire batch ourselves. See? I’m thinking ahead! If they are as delicious as I’m hoping they will be, I wanted to make sure I had a plan to not eat them all.
For today I’m back to an old recipe I used years ago, when I was doing Weight Watchers Online. Weight Watchers has come a long way and has fantastic tools. It’s super easy to use now and has great support groups. I know this because my friend Stacy, has been doing it for a little while now with AMAZING results. (I feel like an advertisment right now). But seriously. She looks AH. MAZING. And better than that, she feels amazing. Which is really the point, right? We want to feel better in our own skin again. And she’s so much happier. It’s lovely.
I just got together with her this past weekend to catch up. It was so great to reconnect
Anyway, back to the food part.
I love this recipe because it gives me the delicious pumpkin pie without the extra calories of the crust. Now, don’t get me wrong. I love crust. A. Lot. But when I’m trying to eat healthier, it’s nice. It does call for Splenda, but you could substitute a little less regular sugar and it would be fine. Not quite as low in calories, but fine. 😉
And, finally, before I go, how about a food fail? I made myself a banana egg pancake (which is exactly what it sounds like = you mix one mushy banana with 2 raw eggs and then cook it) and apparently I wasn’t watching it closely enough…
No, I did not cover it in chocolate. Yes, it’s really that burnt. And yes, I did eat it. Amazingly it didn’t taste that burnt at all! Ha!
Tell Stacy I said she looks like she did in high school again. Amazing transformation – good for her! It tempts me to try WW again…
And that banana pancake sounds good, but doesn’t look the greatest. Still it is a testament to its good taste if it even tastes good burnt. I think I may try that.