It’s Monday.  The kids headed off to in-person school today.  We’re starting to get into a nice rhythm.  I’ve been watching home organizing shows as I exercise in the morning and it is making me want to organize my house!  So… this week we deep cleaned the garage on Saturday (that took me a LONG time).  Over the past 2 weeks I’ve also cleaned out my bills drawer, my storage pantry, a cupboard in my laundry room, my bathroom counter and the side shed.  I have plans to get to the linen closet and my dresser this week.  I know, you’re jealous of my crazy exciting life.  😉

Weight Update:  I’m 2 weeks into my weight loss challenge and officially down 9 pounds.  (I’m only tracking my first number on here, not the decimal.)  I’m feeling really great.  It’s nice to get back on a plan.

I plan to start putting more pictures on again this week.  So stay tuned!