Well, I broke my streak. No cake today. Although I did make the most scrumptious apple pie over Thanksgiving break… yummmmmm…. and I really should have taken a picture of it because it was quite lovely.
This week we are back into online learning and today was stressful for me. I’m having a hard time getting used to a new rhythm again. I feel like we just got into a nice groove and now it’s all different. And you all know how much I LOVE change. 😉
In other news we had a great Thanksgiving break. I let the kids help decorate the house and tree this year and it was mass chaos. But fun too. We watched a new movie called “Jingle Jangle” and it is so good! It’s a musical. I would describe it as a mix of The Greatest Showman and Annie. Very fun with great dancing and costumes. My only complaint is that the music is too loud compared to the speaking… but I thought the same thing about The Greatest Showman. It must just be a style…
Weight Loss Update: I was down another pound today bringing me to 20 pounds officially. Yippie! That means I’m 184. Boo yah! I didn’t loose much this week, but considering it was Thanksgiving, I actually am pretty stoked that I didn’t go crazy. I did enjoy letting loose on Thanksgiving day, but then pulled it back in check after that. And there have been more times throughout the days that I’m finding I’m able to not need a snack because I’m just not hungry. And that’s pretty surprising because I tend to snack just because it’s snack time. 🙂 Progress, people!
Way to go, Erica!! 20 pounds is quite an achievement!!