There was much rejoicing this week as Maddie pulled her first top tooth out. I wouldn’t help her this time, so she sat next to me and just wiggled and twisted it until it came free. (Don’t worry, it was ready) 😉

Then she wrote the cutest note to the tooth fairy “Dear tooth fairy, please bring me a pack of gum” and then there was more rejoicing the next morning when a brand new pack of gum appeared under her pillow. I just love the joy.

I pulled up a picture of Chloe to show Maddie when she lost her first top tooth. It’s so fun to look back at picture of the girls at the same age. Of course… the photos look starkly different… hehe! The one is on a school day morning, freshly rolled out of bed and braid hair from yesterday, and the other was on our photo shoot day with Tara. Haha! But you get the idea.