Happy Labor Day everyone! Today was a much needed day of catching up and getting Chloe back to her old self. She was acting out a bit yesterday after we got home, and today she was much more cuddly/clingy than normal, but she was getting better and better all day. She was a bit stressed out when I laid her down for bed last night and tonight–I’m sure she’s worried we’ll be gone again when she wakes up. But after reassuring her that we’ll still be here, she goes right to sleep.
I’m pretty exhausted today. I always forget how much a trip drains me. We were very lucky, however, to have today before heading back to work to just re-energize. Now if I could just get the laundry done and our luggage all away I would be one happy cookie. 🙂
In other news… I’m still working on wedding pictures. It’s going to take me a few more days until I have time to sit and fiddle with them some more. I have a bit of studio stuff to get under control, since lessons start tomorrow. And Chloe has her 2 year check up on Thursday… But once things settle down I’ll get right back to work on those pictures.
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