I was feeling very “Christmasy” today so I put on a festive scarf with my red sweater.
And then I realized that I don’t really know how to wear a scarf with style. So… what do you think? I’m curious: Which option do you like best?
Option: 1 2 3
Option: 4 5 6
1 and 5 🙂
I think 1,3, and 5 are all good! 🙂
Boy, this isn’t going to help, but I like option 2 the best. I like option 1, too, but to me it looks like you are going to put your coat on, because I see so many people putting their scarf like that before they put on their coat. (My desk is by the foyer/ coat rack.) My second choice would be 3. And, also, I think option 2 would look nice with a big brooch, in a Christmas theme, at the intersection, keeping the scarf in place.
I like 1 and 3.
I’m voting 1 and 3, but I do agree with Chris that #2 would look nice with a broach.
I’m with the 1 & 3 crowd!
I usually wear mine like 3 if it’s that long. My neck isn’t long enough for me to pull off 1 unless it’s a much skinnier scarf. But it looks great on you!