I’m so happy it’s Friday night. This semester has 20 lessons in it, so that means I only have 19 more until the summer schedule (whatever that may entail). The first week back after a vacation is always the hardest. I handed out a reminder letter this week with important dates and information that also informed all of my students that we’re expecting our second child in July. It’s nice to have that taken care of–now I can start to wear maternity clothes and not feel weird. 🙂
In other news I’ve been asked to be a judge for the MMTA Preliminaries at the end of January. I agreed, because they are very short on judges, but I’m already stressed out about it. I’m planning to thoroughly prepare next week by listening to every song on the contest list and writing a mock critique so I know what aspects I’m looking for in each song. But I’m still nervous. Hopefully this will be a positive experience and not a huge mistake…
Tomorrow Stacy and Holly are coming to visit! I’m very excited to see them both and hang out and catch up. Hopefully I’ll remember to take some pictures. But for now, we’re going to veg in front of the t.v. watching some more episodes of The Office. 🙂 Night!
You’ll do fabulous as a judge. If you’re feeling really uncertain, you could ask someone who has done it before and get some pointers 🙂 It will be just like what you’ve been doing as a teacher for the last 10 years- only on a larger scale!
I did it once and wasn’t so good, because I was too much like a “teacher” and not enough like a “judge.” I’m sure you will do better because you are naturally encouraging. In case of doubt — be nice.