Writing about all the big & little things

Nana & Bumpa & bowling

We’ve had a fun few days.  On Tuesday Chloe and I drove over for the day to visit my folks.  We had a delightful time.  They have a bit more snow left over there still, which was melting fast and creating quite the muddy mess.  Next time I’ll have to remember to pack boots.  🙂  But it was fun to see their house since they’ve been hard at work finishing the upstairs rooms.  The rooms look awesome, by the way!  It’s amazing how finishing a room can make it seem so much bigger.  Chloe was excited to see the chickens (which are much bigger than the last time we were there and they were basically still chicks!) but not so keen on seeing the goats.  She cried and clung to me the whole time we were by them, but then as soon as we left she was asking to go back to see them… silly girl.

Of course, I forgot to take any pictures of the goats or chickens or even the finished rooms… but I did get a cute picture of Nana and Chloe playing a “duet.”

On Wednesday I taught just a couple make-up lessons in the morning and then we decided to go bowling for the first time ever as a family.  Well, actually I think it was the first time Tim & I have been bowling together, period.   We had a really nice coupon to use (which even included pop and pizza!) so I thought it would be a fun experience.  And it was, kind of.  Chloe was a little impatient at having to wait her turn… then she was mad that I wouldn’t let her carry her own ball… then she accidentally fell and bit her lip… but there were good parts too!  And we did manage to get a few cute pictures.  I think she was happiest, however when it was time to eat the pizza.  🙂  Maybe next time we’ll just order a pizza and let her eat while Tim & I bowl.  Hehe!

Tomorrow I’ll post pictures of the river flooding.  But for now, this post is plenty long!


  1. Chris Fritz

    What adorable little bowling shoes she’s wearing! It looks like she is having fun. Personally, the pizza would be my favorite part too, as I don’t really like bowling.


  2. Erica

    I thought her shoes were absolutely adorable as well–which is why I had her pose with her shoes in the picture. 🙂 I just couldn’t get over how perfectly miniature they were to ours!

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