Today has been a significantly better day than yesterday.
I had my prenatal check up this morning and I’m still exactly the same. I mentioned that I was a little late with Chloe and she said she wouldn’t be surprised if the same were true for this one… which is fine as long as he’s healthy. Although I must admit the longer I’m pregnant the more worried I get about having a giant baby!
She did give me some suggestions for my PUPPS (this midwife happened to have PUPPS during her last pregnancy as well) which was nice. And as an added bonus the medicine would also help clear a bit of my congestion. Yay–two birds with one stone!
In other news, we’re dog sitting our neighbor’s golden retriever this week. It gives Chloe and I something to do all day–we have to go over a few times a day and feed her and check their mail and empty their dehumidifiers. Chloe loves the responsibility and helping.
I have another Chiropractor appointment this afternoon. Tim suggested that I hold off on doing any more appointments until after I have the baby since I only get 15 visits per year… It would be a terrible shame to run out so quickly. And at this point, with so much relaxin in my joints I have to wonder how much of the adjustments my body is able to hold before just sliding back.  Either way, it’s been nice. And hopefully the baby will come in the next week anyway. 🙂
So glad things are better today. Hope you can get rid of the cold. I had a really bad cold when I had Luke, and it didn’t affect the labor and delivery at all. I was miserable in the hospital, though, and nobody seemed to care. They were all about the baby and the obstetric stuff and didn’t seem to notice that the rest of my body wasn’t doing so well! It wasn’t until I got home and took one of the other kids to the local doctor that she actually asked if she could check me out, too, and then she prescribed some over the counter meds. That was the time Kylene ended up in the hospital with the bug. So it was a pretty bad one. But enough about me…
Don’t worry about having a big baby. The first one is the hardest. After that, a pound this way or that isn’t going to matter all that much. I think it has more to do with their position than their size, anyway, so I hope he is working on getting into a really good position!
And I hope you are just enjoying every moment you have alone with Chloe, because those times are pretty much going to be over. Not that it is a bad thing. It will just be a different thing. There is always plenty of love for everyone, but time can be a problem!
Hang in there!!