Writing about all the big & little things

Our new favorite “toy”

Kylene introduced me to a fun new application that I could download on my phone (for free mind you–I don’t like having to pay for things if I don’t have to!).  Anyway, the application is called “Our Groceries.”

And it’s awesome.

It’s basically a shopping list application that you insert what you want and then as I’m shopping I tap the item as I get it on my phone and it crosses it off so I know what’s left.

But that’s not really the most awesome part.  I mean, yea, I love my lists, but paper does just fine at that… BUT this one we can sync to our computer so I can make a list and send it directly to Tim’s phone on his way from work.  AND if I forget something WHILE he’s at the store I can add it directly to the list and he can immediately see it (so I can quick add it during a lesson without having to actually call him).

***AND***  I can watch online as he crosses stuff off the list!  It’s like really slow boring t.v.  Hahah!


  1. Kristen B.

    Wow and funny! 🙂

  2. chris

    Do you have to have a “fancy” phone? I mean, would it work on ours, do you think?

  3. Amy

    I think you should randomly add items as he shops 🙂

  4. Erica

    Mom, yeah, it’s sort of a fancy phone–it would need to be a touch screen that can support internet in order to be able to sync to the computer… so I’m not sure if it would work on yours. sorry.

  5. Kylene

    I’m so glad you like it!! I think you’re getting more out of it than we do — Justin doesn’t care to deal with it much, so it’s mostly just me. But it’s super helpful! And doesn’t require remembering and locating a scrap of paper. 🙂

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