Eagle Scout Ceremony

Tonight we attended Peter Greenhalgh’s Eagle Scout Court of Honor ceremony.  I’ve never been to any type of boy scout things so I wasn’t sure what to expect but we were specially invited by Kumi, so we thought it would be important for us to be there.  She called me this morning to make sure we were going and asked if I could take a few pictures.  I was disappointed at how poorly the pictures turned out, but the lighting was awful and we had to sit really far back and to the side so we could scoot out quickly with noisy kids.  I was still able to get a few pictures, though, so that was nice.  The ceremony itself was nice and relaxed but still monumental.  There were other small badges awarded to other troop members, but most of the night it was focused on Peter.  It was quite an accomplishment–he has earned something like 26 different badges as well as completing an impressive final service project.

The service project:  He communicated with the central school district here in Shakopee and wanted to reach out to young underprivileged kids with non-English speaking parents.  In an effort to help them with their English speaking skills he put together a collection of kids books and then recorded himself reading each book.  He then put the cd with the book, so the kids could hear the text while reading the books.  Isn’t that clever?  And so helpful!

Peter with his Mom & Dad

At the end of the ceremony Kumi and Mike came up and presented Peter with a plaque and flag that had been flown at the White House.  I thought it was cool.

Of course, Tim missed most of the ceremony because Josiah decided to be loud…  oh, well.  Life with young kids is never dull!

My boys in their polo shirts!

Chloe was very excited to go and wear her new dress (garage sale today!) and see all the Greenhalgh family.  🙂

Looking so grown up!

All in all it was a fun night as a family.  And I know Kumi was very appreciative of our being there–I don’t know if Peter cared as much, but that’s alright.   Of all the Greenhalgh’s he’s the one we’ve never actually hung out with much since he’s never taken piano or watched our kids.  As I get older, however, I realize there are some times in life when we’re there to support more than just the person in the spot-light, but also those working their tail off in the background.  🙂