Writing about all the big & little things

A case of the “Monday’s”

Today is cold and drizzly and, well, let’s face it–Monday.

Ah, Monday.  The day to quick get everything done I really should have done over the weekend, but got too lazy or busy to accomplish.   It’s my catch up day and usually a guilty day since I realize just what I “forgot” over the past two days.

The good thing (see, I can actually think of a good thing) is that by the time Tuesday rolls around I’m feeling much better.  🙂

The house will be nice and clean again.  The laundry will be finished and folded and put away.  My will-power will have returned so I can make better food choices…

So, let’s go!  Let’s conquer this Monday!   Ya-hooooooo!


  1. Chris Fritz

    Mondays just seem harder when it is rainy and cold. But I guess we’d better get used to it. Hope you have a great day and your two children bring sunshine and happiness to your day.


  2. Amy

    I’ve been kind of swinging from one extreme to another- “Yeah, it’s a new week!” to “Ack, I want to go back to bed!”.

  3. Kristen B.

    Yup and yup and yup.

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