Tomorrow Chloe is going to spend a few days with Nana & Bumpa!
Her suitcase is packed and she is ready to go! She wanted to keep her pillow by the door and it took me a while to convince her that she would need to use it tonight still… 🙂 We (that is, Josiah and I) are heading over to drop her off just after my BSF tomorrow morning. I think she’s going to have a fantastic time. It’s fun to watch her get excited and be able to count down the days as she gets older and understands the concept of time. I’m actually really excited to just have Josiah for a little bit alone–I’m hoping we can work on some of his loudness. He seems to yell a lot lately and I’m wondering if he’s here alone, if he won’t feel the need to be so loud! At least that’s what I’m hoping!
I need to quick finish getting Chloe packed and then I’m off to bed. I only have one more music seminar to attend next week for my MMTA contest music. I’m looking forward to being done with them and having my Tuesday mornings back again. It makes the weeks fly by when I have commitments so many mornings of the week. My Tuesday students came today and I felt like I just saw them yesterday! How the time is just flying by!
On a side note: Tonight I made crock-pot lasagna (I think it was the recipe from Amy). It was quite delicious but a little dry. Maybe I cooked it too long… We still seemed to enjoy eating it though! 🙂
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