Writing about all the big & little things

Taco salad & meeting Adeline

We finally got around to trying Luke & Krista’s Taco Salad recipe and it was delicious!  Tim said it was pretty easy to make even with 2 kids running around creating chaos.  I’m excited because it looks like a meal that I will be able to assemble separately before I start teaching and then we can just slap it together.  I’m always looking for easy to assemble meals for our very short dinner time.  Although we also discovered that it does NOT make good leftovers.   Imagine soggy chips and limp lettuce and you get the picture.  But does any salad (once combined) really make for tasty leftovers?  I think not!

A church friend of ours just had her very first baby, Adeline yesterday so we went to visit her.  I always forget how tiny and fragile-seeming newborns are. Chloe was very excited to meet the baby and was quite bummed when I said she couldn’t hold her.  There will be other times, I’m sure, but I could sense the first-time parents weren’t ready for a 4 year old to hold their fresh new baby.  🙂  Josiah was enamored with the baby as well.  Although his attention was quickly diverted to the English Bulldog named “Porkchop.”  It’s fun to celebrate welcoming a new baby with parents who have been trying to have a baby for years.  Such love and joy in that house right now!


  1. Nana

    And 180 degrees opposite, I played for a funeral of a week-old baby yesterday. Sooooo sad. I didn’t even know the family, yet I was crying as I tried to play the organ. But the pastor made a great comment in his message when he said Jesus even asked why when He was on the cross – “Why have you forsaken me?” So he really does understand when we ask why, when there seems to be no reason. Anyway, that makes the healthy babies even more precious.

  2. Erica

    That is so sad… 🙁 But you’re right–it really does make healthy babies that much more precious.

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