You have to imagine me saying that heading in my best fake gangster voice.
There. You did it, didn’t you.
And it made you giggle.
Haha! Cuz I’m so NOT gangster! 😀
Anyway… I’ve crossed into the realm of crazy around here. I sent out volunteer request emails last week and the next morning I had 33 emails to respond to. Yikes! But things are really starting to fall into place nicely this year despite the extra emails and volunteers dropping like flies.
I’m also busying — is that the correct spelling? — myself with packing up more boxes of stuff. I’m happy with how clean things are starting to look. The staging lady was supposed to come last week, but first we had a snow day and then her kids got sick, so now she’s scheduled to come on Thursday. I’m excited. And a little nervous…
In other news Josiah is into singing Veggietales “Hairbrush” song. Can you hear it in your head? “Oh wheeeere, is my hairbrush? Oh wheeere is my hairbrush? Oh, where, oh where, oh where, oh where, oh wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeere…. is my hairbrush?” It’s hilarious.
This post made me laugh. Gangster Erica and singing Josiah!
Glad to hear things are going well over there in snowy Shakopee. Is contest this weekend?
Yup–only 4 more days of chaos and then I take all the contest stuff to the U of M on Friday morning. Yippie!