Writing about all the big & little things

A normal post. And not really even about house stuff!

Okay, so this first part is about the house, but it’s really just to say that we don’t have any more news on anything.  The home inspector still hasn’t come yet.  So, my news is that there’s no news.  🙂

And now onto other stuff!


Am I truly capable of talking about things other than our housing situation?  Well… I guess I can try… 😉

Hmmm…. so what could I talk about?

The weather!  Yes, the weather was absolutely GORGEOUS this weekend.  It got up to 82 degrees–which is a stark contrast from having snow a week ago!  Tim said it was like watching ants outside as all the people slowly emerged from their homes, piling outside to filter along the sidewalks and roads.  They all meandered leisurely enjoying the rays of sunshine.  It was quite amusing.  Even Tim spent time outside with the kids and did some raking in the yard.   It felt good to be able to enjoy some fresh air again.

Church.  We have been blessed as a church to have purchased our own theater building this past summer but it is in need of some major renovations.  We have just been “making it work” since then, but we are finally launching into our first campaign to actually do work on the building.  It’s exciting and quite nerve-wracking  for Tim & I to step out in faith to make a commitment to the campaign.  Knowing that our financial future is very unknown right now makes it extra hard.  But God is a big God and finances are no big deal to him.  So, we’ll trust.  This could be a very interesting year for us.

Kids.  Chloe and Josiah are doing great.  Josiah says new phrases every day.  He’ll respond to our questions in such a gown-up way that it makes us laugh.  He’s such a character these days.  They have been going especially crazy being cooped up for the last month when we could NORMALLY get outside…  I think everyone will be much happier now that they can be loud and run off some energy outside now that the snow is F.I.N.A.L.L.Y. gone.  🙂

Laundry day here!

Laundry day here!

And because I just can’t resist… a little more house stuff.  We did look at a few more houses this weekend (we went to open houses since our realtor was crazy busy).  None of them were right.  Fine houses, but not the one for us.


  1. Amy

    I’m glad you posted about your campaign for your church because I needed a faith boost! We just finished the promotion for our capital campaign to pay off our church debt and work on adding some much needed space. We made a huge step of faith in trusting God with our commitment. There really is no way to do it without His provision. So, we made our pledge knowing that some of the pay we got to help us with our first year transition was going to go away and that our health insurance premiums were going up by a huge amount. God provided- a raise for Nathan and we got a different insurance plan that was less expensive. I still have moments when I wonder if we made the right decision especially with the medical costs we’ve had and with needing to save money to sell/buy a house. I even asked Nathan if maybe we should wait on giving the extra. We would still tithe, but the other amount we could give later. Technically, we committed a certain amount over 3 years not a monthly amount. I was thinking we could get to the amount but delay the giving. Nathan didn’t like that plan 🙂 He said that we would just trust God and continue to give from each check. So, that’s what we’ve done even though we we aren’t sure how we’re going to be able to afford to sell our house or buy or new one or pay for out of pocket medical bills and other things. So far, God has provided.

  2. Krista

    I LOVED house hunting. I hope you’re having fun!

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