Still no news on why exactly they pulled out their offer. Tim has been crazy busy at work this week so he hasn’t been able to really talk to our realtor. He did say that she is working to see if we can see the home inspection report, but that there isn’t any guarantee that we’ll actually be able to see it (since we didn’t pay for it). It’s so hard to not get emotionally invested in things like this. It was a big disappointment for me.
But then came the overwhelming part of realizing we need to get the house ready to show at any moment again. We had become relaxed over the past two weeks and you all know how quickly a house with two small children can get dirty! We had entertained the idea that we were perhaps PAST the point of having to show our house anymore. We went back to living comfortably. So, I’ve spent the last 2 days scouring bathrooms and vacuuming every nook and cranny and washing all of our clothes… It’s just a mind shift that I have to get myself back into.
And now we restart. We already have 3 showings lined up for tomorrow. I’ll get back into the groove of keeping everything picked up and making sure the dishes are never left in the sink and we make our beds every morning. That’s a nice and tidy way to live anyway, right? 🙂
I admit I haven’t been in the mood to write. I’ve been stressed and bummed out. I know God is in control, but it’s hard to just let things happen in His timing…
Sending you a big hug. It will work out – maybe not the way you thought, but it will work out.
Dad and I were talking about the whole situation of him never looking at the house. The home inspection was probably also a way for him to have his inspector look at it and confirm it would work as a rental, and maybe he didn’t think it would make a good rental. May not be anything actually wrong – he just makes an offer before anyone looks at it, knowing he can always use the inspection as an excuse to back out. Not the best way to do business, but I can see where a person buying up rentals would do that.
I’m sure I would feel the same way if we had an offer given and then had them change their minds. It really stinks.