It’s been a whirlwind couple of weeks–and especially the last week. I literally spent all day Wednesday, Thursday and Friday moving boxes and cleaning our old house. Tim and I were up past 11:00 on Thursday night moving the piano and couch across town. Needless to say, by the time we got to Saturday we were completely exhausted. No, strike that. We were past exhausted and my hand were raw from moving stuff.
Then I woke up on Saturday morning to this……..
So, I spent this weekend getting things unpacked and organized. Today, since it was cooler, I actually spent the whole day trying to weed the gardens and flower beds (quite the mess!) and only was able to accomplish half the yard. Those pictures are coming later this week. 🙂
But I am pleased with how far I got on the house though! Here’s what our new Tyler Street house is looking like today:
I’ll take some more pictures tomorrow of the bedrooms and my studio–those are done as well. The only rooms left to finish are hanging the t.v. in the living room upstairs and getting the sitting room downstairs ready. We’re so close!
It IS looking very cute with your things in it. I want to see Chloe and JD’s room, too. Are they feeling settled with all their things in their new room?
It looks good to see your stuff unpacked there. I’ve been thinking and praying about you for the last week. I know that moving is emotionally and physically exhausting. Thanks for posting!