Chloe is spending a few days at Nana and Bumpa’s house which means we have a quiet(er) couple of days. It’s not completely quiet since Josiah is still around and LOVING having sole reign of the house and toys. 🙂 It is quite amusing listening to him talk when Chloe isn’t around. He talks in a “play” high pitched voice a lot… I’m sure he’s just copying what he hears Chloe do. And it’s also brought to light some of the basics (colors, numbers, etc) that I need to work with Josiah on–ah, poor second child. 🙂 So, we’ll start working on that.
In other news: We realized that we (okay it was really me) accidentally put the Christmas bins in the very back of the garage when we cleaned out the garage. That means that in order to take down the Christmas tree, we need to dig out the empty bins first… and it’s REALLY cold out right now… so, um… our decorations might just have to stay up a little longer.
Want a picture before I go? Well, sure! I did a “photo shoot” of the kids last week and after over a hundred pictures I ended up with a few cute ones. 🙂 I sure to do love digital cameras! Here was my favorite picture of just Josiah.
Sweet photo! I’m sure Chloe is having a great time.