For Christmas this year I got an apple peeler/corer/slicer. Let me tell you, it’s the best thing ever.
It makes eating apples fun for the kids. Okay, let’s be serious, it actually makes eating apples fun for EVERYONE! Who wouldn’t want to eat an apple that resembles a spring? We eat a lot of apples these days and it’s so easy to just crank it right out. We call them Curly apples.
I think the kids might have more fun playing with them than they do eating them….
I remember using one when I was growing up (do you still use yours, Mom?) and thinking it was so fun and easy to use. I’m sure it will become a memory my kids will have too.
Hey we have one of makes canning all our pears and apples from our tree super easy. Well, the ones we don’t give away.
Yup. I still use it for apple sauce and apple crisp and just for freezing apples to use later. Great gadget! For eating apples, I have one of those peeler/corer things, so I still get all the skin but my apple is in pieces.