Tim’s Foot: He went to the specialist on Monday and they couldn’t say anything for sure, but he said it was most likely gout. So Tim got some low dose medicine to help with the pain and swelling and he’s doing MUCH better. He’s almost ready to not wear the boot… almost.
Snow: Well, it’s all melted around here, so it wasn’t much to complain about. 🙂 The kids are playing outside again today, and Tim was able to go back to work, so we’re all happy again.
This Weekend: We have lots of fun stuff planned for this weekend. One of which includes seeing Mom and Dad tomorrow–yippie! Other things going on… Chloe has a birthday party she’s attending, surprise birthday party here on Sat. night, Easter services, some of Tim’s family over on Sunday after church, Easter egg hunt somewhere in there…
House: Look! We finally have paint for Josiah’s room. That means that it won’t stay pink forever! 😉
Yea for Josiah’s room getting painted. I can’t wait to see what you do with it – you are always so creative!