I can’t believe how quickly April has flitted right by. This has been an off month for me. I was doing really great with keeping on top of things after the craziness of contest settled down, but then I just got in a bit of a funk and I’ve had a hard time shaking it. I’m going to just start fresh in May. I’ll call April my “month off” from weight loss and cleaning. 🙂 I think part of the weirdness has revolved around this very strange start to Tim’s work season. We thought he would start late because of the snow, but then it wasn’t really that late, but then he hurt his foot, but then he tried to go to work anyway, and then it started raining (days on end!) so he can’t work again, and we’re right back to his foot hurting again. It’s hard to create a new routine when there really isn’t any routine…
But Tim goes back to the foot specialist tomorrow morning. It’s been 2 weeks since he was last in and it’s not getting better. At all. 🙁
In other news I’ve done some scouring of Shakopee for a new recital venue (since the church got rid of their baby grand piano) with little success. Actually I’m pretty surprised at the lack of grand pianos in Shakopee! For a town this size I would have expected more… they just must be hiding…
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