This probably seems funny to you who live in the South, who have probably been mowing your lawn for weeks now… but our lawn is just now starting to get long.  I’ve decided that I’m going to wait to mow it for the first time until my neighbors mow theirs.  🙂 I heard once that you should wait to mow for the first time a little longer to really let it come in strong.  I have no real basis of knowing if that information is at all true, but it seemed logical to me, so I’ve allowed myself to believe it.

We are probably going to have the “worst” looking lawn in our neighborhood.  I’m pretty sure we’re the only house that doesn’t have a sprinkler system.  And we’re not planning to get one either.  We’re not looking for ways to spend more money at this point in time.  So… while all of their lawns are lush and green on those hot summer weeks, our will be nice and brown and crunchy.  🙂