I was struck the moment that we stepped out of Jen’s car on Saturday how unbelievably quiet it was at Aunt Peggy’s house in South Dakota. I’ve been to the country before, but it’s been a couple of years since I’ve been out to their farm. And I must say, after living in the suburbs with constant noise, it took be aback at first. But in a good way.
It was so peaceful.
No hum of buses, or traffic on 169. No airplane or jets soaring overhead. No lawn mowers buzzing in the distance. No kids screaming and yelling at the playground down the street. Nothing. Just silence.
This whole situation was amplified during my morning walk yesterday. I walk with Josiah just after Chloe gets on the bus (so about 8:00). It was so loud. Buses everywhere, cars zooming, kids walking to school, traffic honking, radios playing out windows. But I have become so used to those noises in my everyday life that not until I was out in South Dakota did I notice them yesterday. I found it interesting. I don’t mind the hubbub of sounds around here, but I will say it was nice to enjoy some quiet too.
On the farm there were kittens and chickens and 2 dogs. Let me tell you, Chloe and Josiah really loved those animals. Josiah in particular just wanted to be by those kittens holding them and petting them and following them and just sitting by them. It was pretty much the cutest thing ever.
Actually, I thought the kittens were pretty adorable too and spent time holding them… as did most of the kids… and even Jen…
I’d have to agree that our lives are pretty noisy and that we do get used to it. Even out at the property, there is the sound of the freeway in the background, so it isn’t really, really quiet. But better than here, anyway!
🙂 I remember the first time Jeremy was at our place in the evening. The view of the starry sky impressed him. The farther away from the city, and even town, can certainly be more peaceful and clearer.