Writing about all the big & little things

Wanna be our neighbor?

There are 3 houses for sale on our street.  More specifically the 3 houses right next to us.  Our neighbors across the street are selling, our neighbors adjacent to the north are selling and our neighbors one house to the south are selling.  I tell you, I think I’m starting to develop a complex that it might be us!  😉

Okay, not really.

And in fact the one to our south was just listed last week and I saw a sold sign go up yesterday.  That was sure fast!  The other two have had a lot of movement on them, but no sold sign yet.  I feel for all of them.  I just hated having our house for sale.  We were just talking the other day and remembering that we haven’t even been in this house quite a year yet.  Crazy, right?  I mean it feels like we’ve just ALWAYS lived here.  🙂  This house just feels like home.  We love it.  Which is good because we’re not moving for a very long time.

We worked on cleaning the garage this weekend–which was very much needed.  It’s feels nice to not feel so cramped as I pull in the car.  Plus we were able to get the snowblower pulled up towards the front (just in case) and put up our bikes and just purge some random things we thought we were going to use, but never did.  Plus, the big thing was that we needed to find the bassinet to get down for Shannon to use!  She is 32 weeks along now–yay!  So close to the end!  Which is truly a HUGE blessing since she has had a LOT of complications with this pregnancy and they thought she might have it prematurely back in July!


  1. chris

    You packed the bikes already? What? Do you think it is winter. Nooooooo! Well, come to think of it, I haven’t ridden mine since we moved, but then it is in someone else’s garage. And the snowblower to the front? Pleeeease…

    However, just in case you didn’t notice, today is October 15, which marks the start of the coldest half of the year. Yes, we can expect cold weather from now until April 15. Maybe not snow, though.

    Glad to hear you got a big job done and that you love your house!

  2. Patsy Friesen

    This house certainly suits you and your needs! Thus it feels soooo right.
    Chris, I never thought of October 15 as the beginning of the cold half of our year. 🙁 But that would be true.

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