That’s right folks! We are the happy owners of a brand-spanking-new front door!
One that actually opens and closes without having to karate kick it… One that doesn’t whistle loudly when it’s windy… One that isn’t rotted up the side! Whoot Whoot!
We had a friend from church come and install it a couple weeks ago, and I’ve been putting off painting it, so I finally got around to that this weekend. So, now we can enjoy some pretty pictures. Actually, it’s not very impressive at all, since it’s just a door. And it looks almost exactly like the last one… but still, it’s exciting.
Oh, and you’ll see the left side of the door is still missing… Somehow they sent two right side trim pieces and no left side. Grrrr…. so I had to go back and they are resending the trim piece, but they told us it would take a few weeks. Grrrr again…. And it’s the side that has the doorbell, so the wires are just hanging there… but at least the rest is done!
Here is the finished product!
Oh and I should mention that we had to replace the entire door frame with side windows and all. And it turns out they don’t sell them with such large windows on the side in the store–that’s a custom thing they do when they’re building the house… so I was a bit sad I had to opt for smaller windows along the side. I really love light and the new ones are so much smaller. But… at least it still has windows on the side and the window above the door (on the second level) still sheds a ton of light into the entryway.
I like it! The smaller windows make it look a little more private, although people can, I’m sure see through them just fine from up close. I like the look of the added white trim. (But that is just me!)And I love the new red color.
Dad was curious if you did it yourself.
Now no more whistling when the wind blows or frost buildup when it’s freezing outside!
The windows are smaller, disappointing because I like light too.
Dad–no, we had a friend at church come and install it.
We were going to, but Tim didn’t have enough free time… and we were worried about how much rot we would find in the door frame since it was visibly rotted. We didn’t want to bite off more than we could handle! (Happily there was very minimal rot on the frame that had to be replaced)
Although I was the one who had to help lift the old door out and the new one into place. So *technically* I did help a little… hehe!