For some reason, I consistently seem to run out of time on Thursdays. It’s weird. But it seems to be consistent at least.
Today I tried to run some errands with Josiah and they ended up taking about 3 times longer than I expected and I didn’t want to just cave and come home (so Josiah could get down for his nap). It’s so hard for me to come back home when I’m already out and I would need to make another trip out again later if I go back. So, we pushed on (and on and on) and he got more and more fidgety and goofy… but we did it! 🙂
I was trying hard to get things done today since Chloe is off of school tomorrow. I love having her home, but it’s a bit easier to try and get things done out and about with only one kid in tow.
Wanna hear something fun and exciting? How to Train Your Dragon 2 comes out on DVD on Tuesday! Whoo Hoo!!!! We have been anxiously awaiting this day for months in this household!
After gazing upon that adorable picture of Josiah in the last post, it is just so hard to imagine how taking him shopping could be hard. I’ll just have to take your word for it, I guess! 🙂
It is so interesting how different children show their unique way of getting tired. Most children just start whining and crying and being plain difficult. But Josiah, he gets goofy and fidgety?
I’m sure “How to Train Your Dragon 2” dvd won’t gather much dust at your house! Enjoy 🙂