Writing about all the big & little things

Drum roll….. Baby Friesen #3 is a….



That’s right!  We are soon going to have girls outnumbering boys.  🙂  Of course, we’re not going to get rid of anything until the baby actually comes out and there is no doubt on the gender.

We told the kids this afternoon.   Chloe was genuinely disappointed.  She wanted to stay the only “princess.”  She was so gung-ho about having a girl at first that I prepped her for the possibility of having a boy and really talked it up… I guess I talked it up too much!  After some more discussing, I think she’s coming back around to having a sister.  😉

Josiah also yelled, “No!  We’re having a boy!”  But he was just mad that my answer wasn’t the same as his…

Not the best reveal we’ve had… haha!  But truthfully, we were expecting that.



  1. chris

    Yea,yea,yea!! Just what I wanted, so I end up with 4 of each! Just tell Chloe that she will never be any less special than she already is to me. No matter how many other girls there are, she will be the only Chloe Aleya and you just can’t get more special than that. And remind her that having a sister, like you and Kylene have each other, is something special that lasts your whole, entire life. Even better than a girl cousin!

  2. Stacy

    Congratulations! How fun and exciting. 🙂 I am so glad that things are going well and that you are already at the halfway mark! That is funny about the kid’s reactions. I remember when my nephew found out we had a girl he said, “But it was supposed to be a boy!”

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