Last week, Friday, we had a surprise visit from the Chilson kids! They actually ended up coming on Thursday night so the kids and Shannon could sleep here–she had an early appointment in the cities on Friday– and since I was free I said it was fine to leave the kids with me. 🙂 We had a fun morning. Xavi helped walk Chloe to the bus stop with me. He was very excited to see the bus and say “Hello!” to the bus driver. Then the rest of the morning the kids play and played and played. It was beautiful outside for the early morning so they ran around outside and played on the playset and drew with chalk and even blew bubbles. Mid morning we enjoyed a snack and they really wanted to eat it outside on the playset picnic table–which was so adorable–until it started to rain and then they came running back inside.
I discovered I’m really out of practice with babies, though! I felt really awkward remembering how to hold her and then feed & burp her. I always feel like I’m going to “break” little babies (which is know is not true, since they are super durable, but it’s a mental thing). Good think I know that it will all come back to me as soon as I bring our newest one home in a couple of months. I remember that with Josiah. It just all comes right back. Little Sammi was a delightful baby–I just love those chubby cheekers! She did smile a lot, but I wasn’t able to get her to smile at me when I was holding the camera…
It was a busy morning going from normally only having Josiah home with me to having 4 kids here, but everyone seemed to have a good time. Plus I got to spend some time chatting with Shannon on Thursday night when I was done teaching, so that was delightful.
It’s crazy to think that in just a couple of months we will both have 3 kids. That’s SIX kids when we get together! And I find it so incredibly amusing that after having 6 kids between the two of us, that we have never really overlapped much being pregnant. There have been slight overlaps, but not really too much. I think that’s so funny! I think God knew we would stay better friends if we weren’t both pregnant and emotional at the same time! 😉
So fun to see the ol’ merry-go-round being used!
Yes, I’m sure we will run that merry-go-round right into the ground… 😉