It’s taken me almost 5 days to get out of vacation mode. I don’t know why the transition back to “normal” life is so hard for me, but I find that I don’t do semi-relaxed very well. I’m programmed to be uber-productive/motivated or way-relaxed/lazy. The inbetween (which I suppose would be semi-productive with a dash of relaxation) area is non-existent for me.
So, my eating and cleaning have been rough this week. I’m happy to say that finally today (days later, ha!) I’m back to feeling like myself again. The house is clean again, our suitcases are finally unpacked, laundry is caught back up, and I’ve stopped eating all the leftover treats from the weekend.
It didn’t help things that we decided to put up the Christmas tree upon arriving at home (literally) on Sunday night so that the kids could be a part of helping before they went to bed. Then we found the leak in the ceiling which put a halt to finishing decorating the tree and putting up all of the Christmas decorations, which were now just strewn across the living room and dining room. So, it took a day or two to get that all taken care of.
I have all the memories of the weekend swimming around my head and I keep thinking I’ll post an amazing recap of everything… but here it’s Friday and I still haven’t written anything. Maybe I’ll find some time this weekend. 🙂
Hope you’re all having a spectacular Friday!
I used to say I only had two speeds – fast and stopped. No in between. I must say, thought, that practicing tai chi has helped in that area, and I do have a medium speed now. So you will probably develop a medium area as you mature!
The tree looks “interesting” that way…!